In BoneTown, you fight for everything from settling disputes to getting drugs to finding chicks. Hitting someone with a mannequin leg, bong or a flyswatter is as common as throwing an uppercut.

In BoneTown, you fight for everything from settling disputes to getting drugs to finding chicks. Hitting someone with a mannequin leg, bong or a flyswatter is as common as throwing an uppercut.

Once an oppoent has been knocked out, it’s time to steal their shit. Drugs, weapons and even the shirt of their back is fair game once they’re bested. But don’t expect different treatment when you lose. You have to fight your ass off with whatever’s available to survive on the mean streets of BoneTown.

Beer Blast – Shake up a beer bottle and smack the top, bursting out the bottom in a blast of glass and beer.
Whiskey Flame – Take a swig of whiskey and use your lighter to turn it into liquid death on any enemy who takes you on.
Kaya Cloud – Take a fat hit and blow it out on your opponent to stun them in a cloud of reefer madness.
Fart Toss – Take advantage of the horrible farts of shrooming and toss them at your enemy to do devestaing damamge.
Lighting Ass Blast – From the power of the holy Peyote, shoot lighting out of your ass to electricute all enemies surrounding you.
Fart Blast – Harnes the power of the toad and release a fart bomb, flining youself backwards and out of it’s blast radius.
Crack Charge – Release the power of the rock and fly forwards doing damage to all who stand in your way.