If you happened by top video game site Kotaku.com this weekend, you might have noticed that one of the most viewed articles talked about the hypocrisy of the treatment of sex, drugs, and violence in the video game world, all in the context of your favorite adult video game, BoneTown. “…In video games you just go kill people all day, like it’s nothing. Bam, that person’s dead. Bam, that person’s dead… Murder is a big fucking deal,” D-Dub CEO Hod says. Don’t we all have sex and smoke the occasional doobie, he asks? But how many of us have ever killed someone? Well, maybe some of you have, and we wish you the best in your parole hearing, but the rest of us spend a lot more time doing it and doing drugs than we spend, you know, murdering people. So what’s wrong with sex in a video game? Nothing. And that’s why we love BoneTown.